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Use App to control apps. Beware that an app can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance terminated while you do so, refer to isTerminated().


class App implements Identifiable

static App get(String appName)
static App launch(String appName, Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
static App focused()
static Array<App> all()

int processIdentifier()
String bundleIdentifier()
String name()
Image icon()
boolean isActive()
boolean isHidden()
boolean isTerminated()
Window mainWindow()
Array<Window> windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
boolean activate()
boolean focus()
boolean show()
boolean hide()
boolean terminate(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)


Static Methods

  • get(String appName) returns the running app with the given name, returns undefined if the app is not currently running
  • launch(String appName, Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) launches and returns the app with the given name, returns undefined if unsuccessful
  • focused() returns the focused app
  • all() returns all running apps

Launch Optionals

  • focus (boolean): if set true the app will automatically be focused on launch, by default the app launches to the background

Instance Methods

  • processIdentifier() returns the process identifier (PID) for the app, returns -1 if the app does not have a PID
  • bundleIdentifier() returns the bundle identifier for the app
  • name() returns the name for the app
  • icon() returns the icon for the app
  • isActive() returns true if the app is currently frontmost
  • isHidden() returns true if the app is hidden
  • isTerminated() returns true if the app has been terminated
  • mainWindow() returns the main window for the app, returns undefined if the app does not currently have a main window
  • windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows for the app if no optionals are given
  • activate() activates the app and brings its windows forward, returns true if successful
  • focus() activates the app and brings its windows to focus, returns true if successful
  • show() shows the app, returns true if successful
  • hide() hides the app, returns true if successful
  • terminate(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) terminates the app, returns true if successful

Window Optionals

  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows for the app, if set false returns all hidden windows for the app

Terminate Optionals

  • force (boolean): if set true force terminates the app


See Events for a list of available events for App.


// Launch Safari with focus
App.launch('Safari', { focus: true });

// Get the focused app
const focused = App.focused();

// Get all windows for the focused app
const windows =;

// Get Safari
const safari = App.get('Safari');