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Use Window to control app windows. Every screen (i.e. display) combines to form a large rectangle. Every window lives within this rectangle and their position can be altered by giving coordinates inside this rectangle. To position a window to a specific display, you need to calculate its position within the large rectangle. To figure out the coordinates for a given screen, use the functions in Screen. Beware that a window can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance closed while you do so.


class Window implements Identifiable

static Window focused()
static Window at(Point point)
static Array<Window> all(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
static Array<Window> recent()

Array<Window> others(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
String title()
boolean isMain()
boolean isNormal()
boolean isFullScreen()
boolean isMinimised() // or isMinimized()
boolean isVisible()
App app()
Screen screen()
Array<Space> spaces() // macOS 10.11+
Point topLeft()
Size size()
Rectangle frame()
boolean setTopLeft(Point point)
boolean setSize(Size size)
boolean setFrame(Rectangle frame)
boolean setFullScreen(boolean value)
boolean maximise() // or maximize()
boolean minimise() // or minimize()
boolean unminimise() // or unminimize()
Array<Window> neighbours(String direction) // or neighbors(...)
boolean raise()
boolean focus()
boolean focusClosestNeighbour(String direction) // or focusClosestNeighbor(...)
boolean close()


Static Methods

  • focused() returns the focused window for the currently active app, can be undefined if no window is focused currently
  • at(Point point) returns the topmost window at the specified point, can be undefined if no window is present at the given position
  • all(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows in screens if no optionals are given
  • recent() returns all visible windows in the order as they appear on the screen (from front to back), essentially returning them in the most-recently-used order

Window Optionals

  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows in screens, if set false returns all hidden windows in screens

Instance Methods

  • others(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all other windows on all screens if no optionals are given
  • title() returns the title for the window
  • isMain() returns true if the window is the main window for its app
  • isNormal() returns true if the window is a normal window
  • isFullScreen() returns true if the window is a full screen window
  • isMinimised() or isMinimized() returns true if the window is minimised
  • isVisible() returns true if the window is a normal and unminimised window that belongs to an unhidden app
  • app() returns the app for the window
  • screen() returns the screen where most or all of the window is currently present, can be undefined if a window is out of bounds of any screen
  • spaces() returns the spaces where the window is currently present (macOS 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise)
  • topLeft() returns the top left point for the window
  • size() returns the size for the window
  • frame() returns the frame for the window
  • setTopLeft(Point point) sets the top left point for the window, returns true if successful
  • setSize(Size size) sets the size for the window, returns true if successful
  • setFrame(Rectangle frame) sets the frame for the window, returns true if successful
  • setFullScreen(boolean value) sets whether the window is full screen, returns true if successful
  • maximise() or maximize() resizes the window to fit the whole visible frame for the screen, returns true if successful
  • minimise() or minimize() minimises the window, returns true if successful
  • unminimise() or unminimize() unminimises the window, returns true if successful
  • neighbours(String direction) or neighbors(...) returns windows to the direction (west|east|north|south) of the window
  • raise() makes the window the frontmost window of its app (but does not focus the app itself), returns true if successful
  • focus() focuses the window, returns true if successful
  • focusClosestNeighbour(String direction) or focusClosestNeighbor(...) focuses the closest window to the direction (west|east|north|south) of the window, returns true if successful
  • close() closes the window, returns true if successful

Others Optionals

  • visible (boolean): if set true returns visible windows, if set false returns hidden windows
  • screen (Screen): returns all other windows on the specified screen


See Events for a list of available events for Window.


// Return all windows across all screens
const windows = Window.all();

// Move the focused window to origo
Window.focused().setTopLeft({ x: 0, y: 0 });

// Resize the focused window
Window.focused().setSize({ width: 1000, height: 500 });

// Resize the focused window to fill the full screen