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Use Modal to display content as modal windows (in front of all other windows). Modals can be used to display icons and/or text for visual cues. An input modal can be used to input text for example to give commands. Properties defined as dynamic can be altered while the modal is displayed.

Example icon modal Above: Light modal with icon

Example text modal Above: Dark modal with icon and text

Example input modal Above: Light input modal with icon


class Modal implements Identifiable

static Modal build(Map<String, AnyObject> properties)

property Point origin
property double duration
property double animationDuration
property double weight
property String appearance
property boolean hasShadow
property Image icon
property String text
property String textAlignment
property String font
property boolean isInput
property String inputPlaceholder
property Function didResize
property Function textDidChange
property Function textDidCommit

constructor Modal Modal()
void setTextColour(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha) // or setTextColor(...)
Rectangle frame()
void show()
Modal show() // 4.0.0+
void focus()
void close()


Static Methods

  • build(Map<String, AnyObject> properties) builds a modal with the specified properties and returns it, origin should be a function that receives the frame for the modal as the only argument and returns a Point object which will be set as the origin for the modal, in 4.0.0+ for convenience the origin function will also be bound to didResize so the modal will reposition automatically on resize, you must keep a reference to the modal in order for it to stay active

Instance Properties

  • origin dynamic property for the origin of the modal, the enclosed properties are read-only so you must pass an object for this property, bottom left based origin, by default (0, 0)
  • duration property for the duration (in seconds) before automatically closing the modal, if the duration is set to 0 the modal will remain open until closed, by default 0
  • animationDuration property for the animation duration (in seconds) for showing and closing the modal, if the duration is set to 0 the animation will be disabled, by default 0.2
  • weight dynamic property for the weight of the modal (in points), by default 24
  • appearance property for the appearance of the modal (dark|light|transparent), by default dark
  • icon dynamic property for the icon displayed in the modal, by default undefined, set to null to remove icon
  • text dynamic property for the text displayed in the modal, by default empty


  • hasShadow property for whether the modal has a shadow, by default true
  • textAlignment property for the alignment of the text (left|right|centre|center), by default left
  • font dynamic property for the font name used for the text, by default the system font
  • isInput property for whether the modal behaves as an input modal, by default false
  • inputPlaceholder property for the placeholder string that will be displayed when the input is empty, by default empty
  • textDidChange callback function to call when the input modal’s text field value changes, receives the value as the first argument for the callback


  • didResize callback function to call when the modal resizes
  • textDidCommit callback function to call when the input modal’s text field is committed, receives the value as the first argument and the action (return|tab|backtab|undefined) as the second argument for the callback


  • new Modal() constructs and returns a new modal, you must keep a reference to the modal in order for it to stay active

Instance Methods

  • frame() returns the frame for the modal, the frame is adjusted for the current content, therefore you must first set the weight, icon, text and/or set it as an input to get an accurate frame, an input modal has a fixed width of 600, bottom left based origin
  • show() shows the modal, you must set at least an icon, text and/or set it as an input for the modal to be displayed, in 4.0.0+ returns the modal, in prior versions returns nothing
  • close() closes the modal


  • setTextColour(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha) or setTextColor(...) sets a custom text colour with the given RGBA values, for example setTextColor(34, 139, 34, 1)


  • focus() focuses the modal and makes it the key window to receive events


// Build and show a modal for half a second
const modal ={
duration: 0.5,
weight: 48,
appearance: 'dark',
icon: App.get('Phoenix').icon(),
text: 'Hello World!',

// Build and show a modal in the middle of the main screen
const screenFrame = Screen.main().flippedVisibleFrame();
const modal ={
text: 'Hello World!',
origin: (frame) => ({
x: screenFrame.width / 2 - frame.width / 2,
y: screenFrame.height / 2 - frame.height / 2,

// Show an input modal in the middle of the main screen
const screenFrame = Screen.main().flippedVisibleFrame();
const modal = new Modal();
modal.isInput = true;
modal.appearance = 'light';
modal.origin = {
x: screenFrame.width / 2 - modal.frame().width / 2,
y: screenFrame.height / 2 - modal.frame().height / 2,
modal.textDidChange = (value) => {
console.log('Text did change:', value);
modal.textDidCommit = (value, action) => {
console.log('Text did commit:', value, action);