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Use Screen to access frame sizes and other screens on a multi-screen setup. Beware that a screen can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance disconnected while you do so.


class Screen implements Identifiable, Iterable

static Screen main()
static Array<Screen> all()

String identifier()
Rectangle frame()
Rectangle visibleFrame()
Rectangle flippedFrame()
Rectangle flippedVisibleFrame()
Space currentSpace() // macOS 10.11+
Array<Space> spaces() // macOS 10.11+
Array<Window> windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)


Static Methods

  • main() returns the screen containing the window with the keyboard focus
  • all() returns all screens, the first screen in this array corresponds to the primary screen for the system

Instance Methods

  • identifier() returns the UUID for the screen
  • frame() returns the whole frame for the screen, bottom left based origin
  • visibleFrame() returns the visible frame for the screen subtracting the Dock and Menu from the frame when visible, bottom left based origin
  • flippedFrame() returns the whole frame for the screen, top left based origin
  • flippedVisibleFrame() returns the visible frame for the screen subtracting the Dock and Menu from the frame when visible, top left based origin
  • currentSpace() returns the current space for the screen (macOS 10.11+, returns undefined otherwise)
  • spaces() returns all spaces for the screen (macOS 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise)
  • windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows for the screen if no optionals are given


  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows for the screen, if set false returns all hidden windows for the screen


See Events for a list of available events for Screen.


// Get all available screens
const screens = Screen.all();

// Get visible frame for the main screen
const frame = Screen.main().visibleFrame();

// Get all windows on the main screen

// Get all visible windows on the main screen
Screen.main().windows({ visible: true });