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Use Storage to store values across reloads and reboots as JSON.


class Storage

static void set(String key, AnyObject value)
static AnyObject get(String key)
static void remove(String key)


Static Methods

  • set(String key, AnyObject value) stores the value for the key, any previously set value with the same key will be overridden
  • get(String key) retrieves and returns the value for the key (undefined if no value has been set)
  • remove(String key) removes the key and the value associated with it


// Set a value
Storage.set('key', 'value');
Storage.set('height', 100);
Storage.set('isEnabled', true);
Storage.set('settings', { isEnabled: true });

// Get a value
const value = Storage.get('key');
Phoenix.log(value); // -> 'value'

// Remove a value